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Because there's no one London Look we updated Rimmel's famous 'Get The London Look' tagline to 'Live The London Look', empowering women and men to express their individuality. We created the 'LL' symbol - a unifying pose - and I've written some attitudey copy to go with it. Here's a splash of the early work. 


PRO RIM 1500

George Lamberis dredown.com payload513.cargocollective.com Rimmel VolumeShakeGif 600x600 UnBranded 25 George Lamberis dredown.com payload.persona.co Rimmel VolumeShakeGif 600x600 UnBranded 26 George Lamberis dredown.com payload.persona.co download

Screen Shot 2017 08 08 at 23.15.48

rimmel thumb
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